Tuesday 10 April 2012

DAY SEVENTEEN: seems like I've just begun the caveman

Hi folks,

So last night I went to bed with nothing on. My forehead, nose and chin were covered in a layer of oil on top of the really dry tight skin. So it was scattered blobs of oil seeping through the dry cracks. Upon waking up these areas were still oily. I am not blotting them because my skin needs to learn to balance itself by itself; and I'm sure my really dry skin needs all the oil it can get to repair itself.

Reading other caveman-er's posts, it seems as though what I'm experiencing now was the first few days of their caveman. So perhaps because my skin was so dry to begin with, having a problem with dandruff, and then breaking the rules with water, perhaps I officially have just begun the caveman. Hmmph. It's been over two weeks! :(

Anyways, because my skin is so dry I don't think I will wash it with water tomorrow. I'm worried about my skin getting bacteria again though. The dandruff wasn't pleasant. I am not sweating though, I haven't yesterday and the day before.

I read somewhere that if you wear make up while working out then the makeup will trap the toxins that your sweat is releasing on the skin, which isn't good. I say this because maybe sweating with the dry skin mask might be keeping in the toxins, which could lead to an infection? Maybe? If I have any readers, please comment on this! What do you think? Could leaving sweat on an open wound (my dry skin) cause an infection?

I'm also wondering: if I don't remove the dead skin mask after a month, will it fall off on its own? Like a scab?

AND will leaving oil on your face cause bacteria to grow? I'm no biologist! I have no idea about these things!

Please comment!

I have to find something to keep me busy. Something to make the days fly by. Because the less time I have on my hands the less time I'll be looking at my face and waiting for the days to drag by just as you'd wait for the last five minutes of class to tick by on the clock. I'm starting to think that I won't even look in the mirror for a week. But I'm worried because I don't want to have someone on my face or in my teeth when I go out. And that also would mean I don't get to wear makeup to cover up the big red zits I have or to add a bit of life to my face. Hmm. This is difficult. I'd have to ask someone to tell me if anything is on my face or in my teeth -- and what about doing my hair!

Speaking of that, it so hard to wash my hair without getting my face at least damp from the humidity in the shower. The humidity makes my skin just as dry as the water would. This is frustrating.

I have an idea. I'll run a bath and lean back into the water and wash it that way. YEAH! I'll try that.

So what I am going to do:
  • Bath instead of shower to keep face completely dry
  • No looking in the mirror unless I am getting ready to go out and even then I must be at least 2 meters away from the mirror (at this distance I can't see my dead dry skin or my pores)
The not looking in mirror rules means I probably will cut out an hour or two a day of staring in the mirror...

Alright. Good. I won't be posting for a week as well. These posts are becoming quite boring, obsessive, and fickle. Whatever happens until next Tuesday I can tell you then.

Have a good one.


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