Wednesday 4 April 2012

DAY TWELVE: the itchiness is making me crazy

Hey everyone,

All the itchiness and dryness I'm referring to in this post is only majorly: in between my eyebrows and on the sides of my nose; to a lesser extent: most of my forehead and the rest of my nose.

My face. Is so. aisduhfasdiuhfsdiuahfa itchy!!!! I want to rip it off! It's so frustrating! So irritating! I'm not itching it, though. I put on some Aloe Vera at first (the bottled kind) because I read somewhere that it soothes itchiness and at first the itchiness subsided. But then, I guess when the aloe was drying, MY FACE WAS UNBEARABLY ITCHY! So I ran to the fridge and smacked on some yogurt (I should have used yogurt in the first place because it has already proven to work just fine...). Now I'm sitting here with the yogurt on my face. I didn't wash off the aloe beforehand and now my face has the slightest tingle of itchiness, but it's bearable. I know it's the aloe that's making it itchy now because yogurt has been a miracle cure for my itchiness the last two days.

So this is what I have been doing:

  • letting the shower water (lukewarm) run over my face after the gym--I will be doing this everyday after a work out because I don't want bacteria to build up
  • applying yogurt to skin when itchy
  • applying olive oil after itchiness subsides if the skin is still extremely flaky and dry

And everything was going fine. Especially today. Yesterday I woke up after the night of olive oil on my nose and forehead and they didn't have volcanic dry skin. Then today I woke up (no olive oil needed the night before) and my nose and forehead looked quite nice, no signs of dryness -- however, looking really close I saw it was still a bit dry and if I itched it it probably would have unleashed the flakiness. Anywho, throughout the day it just looked better and better. AND THEN after my shower today my skin was a bit tight, but I wasn't worried because yesterday after the shower my skin was a bit tight and then my natural oils calmed it down by bed time (I WAS IN AWE AND SO HAPPY). BUT TONIGHT that wasn't the case. My skin just kept getting drier and drier and then the itchiness came out of no where. The most intense and irritating itchiness I have ever felt, to my recollection.

Why am I so itchy? :(

I'm just going to continue to put yogurt on my nose and forehead whenever it gets itchy. Also I will be putting olive oil on it too if its extremely dry after the yogurt. No aloe. I don't want to be stuck in this yogurt and olive oil routine. I really hope the itchiness is finished plaguing me.

If anyone is reading this blog: why do you think my face is itchy? What do you do to rid yourself of dry itchy skin?

Have a good one.


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